“Attitudes of Being” Service

Attitudes of Being

“Attitudes of Being” Service

St. Joseph Hall (S. 27th St. and Greenfield Ave.)1501 S. Layton Blvd., Milwaukee, WI 53215


We often overlook the Holy Spirit’s power and presence in our lives. We can learn much by turning to Mother Mary, who was open to the Spirit’s power and received it in abundance. Joan Carey, Founder and Executive Director at Firstfruits Apostolate, will be the presenter; music by the Gaudete Chorale.


Please park in the Sacred Heart lot, entering at S. 28th St. and W. Lapham St. and parking on the north side of the lot, by St. Joseph Chapel. Walk through the pedestrian gate to Layton Blvd. and proceed north to the first entrance door labeled St. Joseph Chapel.

View flyer


Contact Information:

Sister Mary Jane Wagner

Music Ministry Director

