Day of Peace with students and sisters

Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation

What is it God requires of us? The Old Testament prophet Micah tells us, “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Jesus puts this instruction into practical terms by teaching us the works of mercy and compassion: feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick and imprisoned, give to the poor, and bury the dead.We invite you to join with our sisters and associates in the work of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation! We are committed to following the footsteps of our patron St. Francis, and the spirit of our community’s three founding sisters, as we open our hearts to the needs of our fragile and broken world.


Today, we are called by God to respond to five areas of crisis and concern:

  • Work to end human trafficking and aid those who are victimized

  • Practice principles of nonviolent living

  • Advocate for just immigration policy

  • Care for God’s Creation

  • Become an anti-racist community

Sisters Program South

Human Trafficking

Our community is actively engaged in the effort to end human trafficking and to aid those who are victimized.

peace flags

Nonviolent Living

We commit ourselves to nonviolent living and peace-filled interactions.



Immigration Policy

We invite others to join us in our support of immigrants and advocacy for just immigration laws.

Care of God's Creation

Join us in living with intentionality and awareness of the vulnerability of our planet and its resources.