Sister Jeannine Weidner

Sister Jeannine WeidnerRelationships have always been an important part of Sister Jeannine Weidner’s life, perhaps because she is the oldest of eight children.

“My life in community continued to help me to grow professionally and especially spiritually,” Sister Jeannine said. “God has blessed me with companions who challenged, supported, and travelled with me on my life journey.”

“In my ministry as a music teacher, liturgist, advocate, and spiritual director, I always learned more than I felt I gave,” she said. “Being with others gives me energy, and the wisdom I gained from every encounter is amazing. The struggle to not be judgmental and to see the divine in the other is ongoing.”

Sister Jeannine said it is hard to pinpoint just one time when she was the happiest in her ministry. “I loved all the missions I shared,” she said. “Teaching music and directing the choirs was spirit-building and a joy.” Her ministry in social justice and involvement with NETWORK Lobby as a board member also helped her to grow in awareness of a broader look on life.

She also spent many years in pastoral ministry with our retired sisters at Maria Linden. She said these interactions with our sisters were astonishing gifts for her. “It was wonderful to get to know and love so many sisters I had never met before,” she said. “Their stories and caring lives were a marvelous gift. I received so much grace and experienced so much growth.”

The challenge of accepting new ministries was not always easy for Jeannine, yet she had no regrets that she said “yes” to them.

“One ministry that I found to be particularly meaningful was traveling with others in spiritual direction,” she said. “This was inspiring and it still is a delight to see so many people desiring a deeper relationship with God and seeing new pathways through creation, beauty and daily living.”

“I am grateful for so many loving people in my life, and for the many opportunities our community has offered me. Thanks be to God for love and people who let me stumble through life for so long. It’s been a joy!”