Music Ministry

“So great has been the effort, that excellence in music is the characteristic of the culture of these sisters.”

 --Samuel Cardinal Stritch, (1887-1958)

Called forth by the beauty of this sacred place, music has always been a vital expression of the mission of the School Sisters of St. Francis. From its earliest days, the community believed in the connection between the arts and spirituality, and invested heavily in professional preparation of musicians and music educators to teach and inspire the people they served. We invite you to share in the evolution of this ministry.

Music History

Music Ministry History

The School Sisters of St. Francis has a rich heritage in music and the arts.

Catalog of Music

Catalog of Music

The School Sisters of St. Francis have a vast collection of music that our sisters have composed for use by others.

150 Logo

Anniversary Litany

A Litany to the Holy Spirit has been composed to honor our 150th anniversary.