Chapel Restoration Appeal

St. Joseph Chapel Mass

Breathtaking, Treasured, Sacred Space

We are blessed to have St. Joseph Chapel as a Milwaukee landmark.

In 1917, St. Joseph Chapel was dedicated and consecrated as a sacred space. From the beginning, Mother Alfons, co-foundress of the School Sisters of St. Francis, envisioned a sacred space that expressed beauty, faith, and hope. This soaring, Romanesque-style chapel was masterfully built to bring forth an environment for reflection, prayer, and commitment to serving God. For more than 100 years, it has provided a space for our worldwide congregation of sisters and the greater community to gather and glorify God.

St. Joseph Chapel is welcoming to all who wish to gather to pray and enjoy sacred music. It is also an integral part of our sisters’ daily life, from their reception into the community and their profession of vows, to recognition of anniversaries at each Jubilee, to the final celebration of their life at their Mass of Christian Burial.

make a giftWith your financial support, we can ensure the St. Joseph Chapel will remain a vibrant and beautiful house of worship for many years to come. Together, we can maintain our foundresses’ legacy, restore the beauty of the Chapel’s original, old-world craftmanship, and continue to bring hope as we open our doors to the local community and all who come to visit from around the world.

Our sisters, through their many ministries and missions, continue to respond to the pressing needs of our time. We invite you to please put your love for our historic chapel into action, and respond to our critical restoration needs.

You are always in our prayers,


Sister Deborah Fumagalli              Amanda Ferguson
President                                         Director of Mission Advancement 



Help Restore...

Window frame and plaster repair Mosaic tile restoration
Peeling paint Marble restoration
Cracked and damaged flooring